Tuesday, September 1, 2009

No sympathy here

I just spent the week in Fountain Hills, AZ on my final stop of my Tour of Family adventure. Most of the tour has been filled with questions, wonder, and excitement. On this stop there have been very few questions. She is a world traveler and thinks there is not a better opportunity in the world. Grams sees joining the Peace Corp as my calling in life. To her, it is something I need to do! She is more excited that I am actually taking advantage of the opportunity to travel and become immersed in another culture. This is not to say she is not proud, but she has become very spiritual late in life and again thinks this is what I should be doing.

The Peace Corp is something I have always want to be apart of. I am excited beyond belief (countdown: 2 months 11 days) about the upcoming experience! The adventure is not going to be easy, but I did not get any sympathy from Grams. She asked me what I was going to miss the most, and two of the things I replied with were my cell phone and internet. She kindly smiled (a polite way to tell me thats ridiculous)! It is not even that I need my cell phone, but I do get pleasure from being able to catch up with friends, pass time while I am driving, or notify someone if I am running late. As for the internet I think the instant gratification of email would be nice so far away. Plus, I enjoy reading blogs, hearing about new ways to save the world, and getting sports updates. It's more that I like these luxuries not that I need them. She asked, I answered.

Grams can't understand those two things because she does not have them. She can't ration the idea of someone being able to get ahold of her whenever they want! People have come to expect her when she gets there. You would never know if she was lost or running late. People start calling her at 6:15AM because they know that is the only time they can reach her at home. She is always out and about living life to the fullest. I guess early morning phone calls are the consequence of no cell phone. Not worth it, to me! Do not even get her started on the internet, that's a generation thing. She survives just fine with the librarys internet use for netflix (and that is it). I frankly do not and will not understand it. More power to her?

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