Monday, September 28, 2009

I like my Apples green.

Unlike the rest of America I am not 100% on board with Apple and all of their products. That's fantastic since I just purchased a brand new Macbook Pro. Not too mention it came with a nifty iPod Touch, and I already own a regular iPod. Apple prides themselves on being this environmentally friendly company yet their products do not last. In a truly green society shouldn't we encourage longevity in our products... not products that need to be replaced after the warranty expires? Everyone in my family's first iPod committed iPod suicide after two years. The iPods realized (like their American peers) the next generation was so much better they pulled the plug before it was pulled on them. My second iPod just had it's second birthday, we did not do anything big to celebrate. Maybe we should have, now it seems little bit ill... or obsessed with a particular song. Even after manually removing the repeat setting my iPod refuses to stop repeating the first song of a playlist.

That is just prefect since I planned on taking it to Lesotho where I would be able to introduce all the villagers to Tea Leaf Green, Animal Liberation Orchestra, and the Beatles! Yes, I have an iPod Touch (thank you Apple... although I still have not received my rebate!!!) but it seems a little strange to take an iPod whose features will not work without WiFi. Apple wants to charge me $29 dollars to talk to someone on the phone and $34 dollars to talk to someone in the store. God only knows how much to fix it, if if if the problem is fixable. An [Apple] genius told me I would be best buying a new iPod, and he could dispose of the old properly. Dream on, you think like an America! Buy, Use, Dispose! Repeat, as many times as needed. I fell twice and I will not fall again. I do not want the brighter, more storage, newer, classic iPod. I am (or was) content with my aged iPod... until IT STOPPED WORKING! I am not making another $300 investment in a product that will not even last my stay in Lesotho.

I am not totally knocking Apple, comparatively they are a relatively green company. They are expanding their recycling program so I was able to dispose of my old ThinkPad properly. My new Pro has a longer-lasting battery life and meets the EPA's Energy Star Rating. I am also equipped with an aluminum body (recycle friendly) and many harmful toxins have supposedly been eliminated from the processing of new computers/iPods/iPhones. Apple as a company also disclose their annual corporate carbon emissions and show you how exactly it is distributed. That is actually awesome to see (for the few of us who care).

Apple, you bring some longevity and I will bring business.

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