Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Water You Thinking?

There are few things in life worth stressing over. This list excludes automatic flush toilets! They are so wasteful and more than unneccessary, a major concern for the conservationist in me. They flush when you might not be done, they flush when they are not being used, they flush flush flush whenever they want to. Besides the extremely lazy folks, germ-a-phobes might also be a fans of these flush happy toilets. You see, I am not a germ-a-phobe so grabbing that lever to flush the toilet does not bother me at all. Oh to only have concern for myself! Except it's not only concern for me, its concern for water. The new and improved toilets require 1.6 gallons of water per flush, but the older models still use approximately four gallons of water. Yikes, I could bathe in that. If I controlled public bathrooms there were be signs stating, "If it's yellow, let it mellow. If it's brown, flush it down." Let rid ourselves free of the flush happy toilets and save a few gallons by not flushing that sterile cup of pee.

Even the writers of Two and a Half Men agree, "Automatic toilets are terrible, everything is gone before you turn around and check to see how you did!"

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