Thursday, October 1, 2009

Toughen Up

I believe medication is a sign of weakness and therefore never pop pills for minor aches and pains (or the more serious discomforts like wisdom teeth). I would like to totally rid my life of doctors but that will not happen until the Peace Corp releases their control of me. By taking decent to good care of my body it performs like well oiled machine. Lucky for me! Oh and my brain tells me when I am experiencing aches and pain... which then signals me I might be tired or dehydrated or somethings a tad more serious. It does not signal me to pop a pill! Pills simply hide the issue instead of handling the cause from the source. Pills also obstruct the bodys natural ability to combat disease by relaying bogus messages to the brain. Did you ever think for just one second you may be stuffing yourself with junk, rarely drinking water, missed out on this great part of life called sleep, or prehaps indulged in too much alcohol last night? Girls, sure you get cramps... but did you ever think about child bearing? Oh no, you didn't, cause there is medicine for that now too.

Stop and think for just one second about the millions of chemicals in each little pill you pop? Yes, they have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration... but they also approve of Aspartme, that messed up chemical found in all those diet pops you drink. Would you jump off a cliff if someone told you to? No, your brains says that's idiotic. And in every area of your life you listen to your brain... except when it comes to over the counter (heck, even prescription) treatment. You pop pills, cover the symptoms, add new symptoms to the list (thanks to the medication), and you repeat. You my friend, do not make sense.

For me, it's not just pills I refuse to take. It's vitamins and minerals too. Maybe if we stopped eating all the nonsense we shovel into your systems we would have room for foods that naturally give us the vitamins and minerals we need. It's hard to believe, I am not prefect. A life without meat means a life without iron. Okay, not really, but I really struggle to naturally find enough iron for my diet although I will not be defeated with an iron enriched vitamin. Last stop beets, not too bad, but I just can't eat enough of them. I need more iron. The search for natural iron continues...

So there you have it weaklings, whether you are out to lose weight, maintain your perfect health, fight off a head ache, or sleep through the night.... stop and think about that pill you are popping! May we all be freed from magic we call medication.

Signing off, Perfect Me


  1. Hey, is anemia contagious? Well I caught it. I have NEVER had problems with my iron before...until sometime this past spring. I'm blaming you. Anyways-you'll be happy to know I am NOT taking a vitamin. I have been researching all kinds of ways to get iron in my diet. I have been VERY diligent (the past week) and feeling much better.
    Sidenote: my count only got down to like 12, and I felt AWFUL. Like sleeping 15+ hours a day, don't want to do anything fun, no appetite awful. How on EARTH do you function from day to day? Nevermind when yours was like 6????

  2. Sam,
    Totally agreed ..have been in US for more than 4yrs now and touch wood never been sick.
    Let body fight the ills that it can fight. Of course there are diseases that need treatment and you must...also think of medicinal chemists like us (will be jobless otherwise:))..

    But yah those who rely on medicine every now and then indeed become sick..

