Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Say Something #29

I actually have posts for Say Something #24-28... but I have been too lazy to steal the accompanying pictures off my parent's cameras, so in the meantime, you will have to settle for the BIG headline of today my life story... and look forward to the missing headlines Friday night when the work week has ceased.

This post is going to be read dramatic... because again today something SUPER exciting happened in my juvenile career. And I am NOT being sarcastic. This is real life JOY. And I do not know how to convey my enthusiasm, aside from scattering in a few random CAPITALIZATIONS here and there.

I heard my boss whizzing upstream, in route to my desk for what I hoped would be an afternoon I-am-losing-my-mind-because-you-are-impossible-to-work-for vent session. I am totally his favorite employee EVER. And yes, I speak my mind just like this in the office. Quite shockingly, he had no interest in me, myself, or I as he had a boss-y type meeting to attend, one his walking pace indicated he was late for. He entertained my musing long enough to invite me to tag along to his "biz dev" meeting. I always feel oh so important at work, but today, I felt particularly important for a FULL hour.

There was business card distribution. People were saying: "I got this deal.", "I can help you here.", "How much we talking?", and more great things like that. My ultimate favorite line, "I will let you marinate on that." I plan to incorporate that into all future bribes. And threats. Also, lest I fail to mention, Biz Dev Dude had an accent, that might have been of Australian decent(!!!).

As the meeting concluded, my boss and I climbed up the stairs to our respective offices (ahem my cube, his office), I pronounced, "I have been waiting for that my whole life." He questioned the "whole life" part... but, seriously, at least the five months since starting. I just had to know what all the schmoozing was about. And now I do, and it is BETTER that I could have imagined. Soon I will have contacts.

To be so lucky. To love my job. Oh happy hump day.

1 comment:

  1. Great story! Loved it! Thanks for sharing!

    xo Meredith
