Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Next Level

Thoughtfulness is remembering a birthday, sending a card of sympathy or condolences, inviting a friend over to dinner, lending your ears to someone who needs a vent session, treating someone in need, being there for people regardless of your own circumstances.

I am decent at being thoughtful, but there is a vast distinction between me and the truly thoughtful people in my life.

Truly thoughtful people check-up on you months after the rest of the world stops caring, they remember birthdays every year without the help of Facebook prompts, they send cards and make follow-up phone calls, they invite you over for dinner and let you stay the night, they respond to your needs--lending their ears and a further willingness to continue out the conversation via email. They seem all-knowing, never needing clues to open emotional flood-gates. These people do not keep tallies and stock up on good deeds for their own times of trouble. You can be perfectly swell, and still, they mail you a CD with new music tailored to your interest, show up at your place with a gallon of ice cream and two spoons, or send a simple text to see how your day went.

They are genuine people who, I believe, care from the bottom of their hearts. These are the inspiring individuals I stride to emulate in my daily life. They are the people who got me where I am today. Thank you for being you.

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