Thursday, March 24, 2011

Somewhere Between Death and Dying

Somewhere between all the here and there I acquired a parasite. While I would not wish this experience on anyone--I am as confused as you are on how the vegetarian ended up with the parasite? More than six months since leaving Lesotho and a year after the end-all meal I am done questioning and onto dealing with said parasite.

The past five days I have been sick sick sick with a "self-induced" illness.

The word that has continually come to mind when trying to reflect has been: humble.

To catch you up to speed on my thoughts on medicine go here. If your life is much to busy, all you need to understand is that I basically swore off medicine at birth. During my Peace Corps stint I refused to go as far as to open my medical kit. As it turns out, to fight the parasite I was left with no other option than a high dose of two different antibiotics with not-so-fun side effects. The medication requirement in and of itself was humbling. My opinions were put to rest while I took the advice of several medical professionals with much more insight, training, and experience than myself.

This is not easy for a girl who refuses to take her iron medicine in order to ward off chronic anemia, unless she's under watch by the United States Government. In the beginning it was only 18 pills a day of antibiotics, the side effects being so awful by the end I was amped up to 25 pills a day.

The Peace Corps post service medical unit operates on a reimbursement system, meaning all the drugs had to be paid for out of pocket. Anyone who knows me will probably tell you I'm cheap. The verdict on whether that is a good or bad trait is still out. Moving forward. You can imagine my face when the pharmacist told me $392.85 was the total for these medications. I was humbled by the fact I have always had incredibly good medical coverage. This is something I took completely for granted until last Tuesday. I am going to be fully compensated for each penny spent... what about those who face the reality of, and I'll use this term lightly, "life-saving" expensive drugs without help?

The situation gets worse or more humbling? Last night when I found myself experiencing vomiting and diarrhea simultaneously (too much information, sorry-it's been my reality) I was forced to trudge out to Walmart, the only pharmacy open till nine in Small Town, South Carolina. Apparently 9 PM is the latest any one pharmacy stays open where I currently reside. Now I haven't yet composed a post on my distaste for the Walmart Corporation, but realize I have so much beef with them I am not sure where I would begin. I submitted my pride, added a tenth tally mark next to 'trips to Walmart' (an accomplishment here in the South) and contributed roughly 50 dollars to the multibillion dollar madhouse.

Lest I sound like a complete whiner and/or act as though I have been totally humbled, this has definitely been a character building week--posting twice on one illness is I understand weak.

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