Friday, March 11, 2011


I have always had trouble identifying my leisure activities--beyond being outdoors. I am up for anything that involves spending time in nature. The problem is you can't always pack up nature and take it with you as one might a knitting, scrapbooking or reading hobby. Yes, there will inevitably be some sort of environment surrounding your location, how explorable this area might be is up to the trailblazer.

Yesterday during my afternoon nature time I was birding with a friend on wide open farmland and controlled wetlands when it dawned on me, my activity of choice is learning. This I might add can take place inside or out.

I realized after a year plus of disconnect that I hope to reconnect--with wildlife.

In college I went through a phase of dendrology obsession. After identifying almost every tree on campus my knowledge expanded to local trails and eventually to my parent hometown. I even brought my skills and identification books on family vacations. I annoyed my friends with my tree aptitude and didn't read a novel for a full six months because my head was stuck in the National Wildlife Federation's Field Guide to Trees of North America.

BUT when you don't use it... you lose it, embarrassingly so. Now I can't confidently decipher a maple from an oak tree. It's okay though because a) I have rediscovered a lost passion and b) in a few short hours I learned to identify three different species of ducks: the Northern Shoveler, a Merganser, and a Bufflehead. My duck repertoire now goes beyond the Mallard!

So when I can't be outside exploring or paddling my kayak I'll be indoors learning about and refreshing my knowledge on birds, trees, and wildflowers.

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