Thursday, September 1, 2011

Tina Fey

Now ashamed to admit there was a point in my life Tina Fey used to annoy me. She was too right, when I felt oh-so-wrong. I’ve come to terms with my imperfections and decided, at the pleading of several close friends, I should give her just one more chance.
I have solid friends, with even more solid priorities.

Here I am today, the only important thing having changed about me since three days ago, when I started and finished Tina Fey’s book Bossypants, is my new found love, love, love for Mrs. Fey herself. She might be is the funniest person alive. Oh how I long to be her—to be that witty all.the.time. She is awesome! Repeat: I love her. How many synonyms exist for expressing the word love? I can assure you, not enough. I adore her and each syllable she utters. Oh! My! Word! I want to re-watch every episode of 30 Rock!, laugh out loud at her impersonations of Sarah Palin on Saturday Night Live, memorize each line in her book, etc. I’m mad for, have strong affection for, a fondness for, Fey fever, an inclination towards, have a girl crush on, worship her, relish her humor, admire, idolize, glorify T.F. That’s the best my vocabulary has to offer.

I’m completely smitten.

Should have ignored those friends, with their out-of-line priorities.

Should have displayed more willpower. After all, 171 words, the estimated amount on page one of the introduction, are not enough to transform any one individual into a rabid fan; T.F. is not actually that gripping. But she is. And I confess to my mistake. I am now an idol worshipper—something I have worked my entire life to ward off. This is very disappointing, though I am not as disappointed in myself as my mother probably is in me. She has worked hard to instill self confidence in her children--decorating our brains with phrases along the lines of “be yourself,” “live YOUR life,” and “enjoy yourself for who you are.”

I digress. I see my switch as harmless. Again, [mother] probably not so much. Why can’t I celebrate Tina’s life? Be (like) Tina. Enjoy Tina for who she is.

It could be worse, my younger-older brother is obsessed with the Mac App Avadon… and in Michigan became extremely frustrated because the grandparents live in an age without internet, which he needed to beat the next level.


  1. I don't think you can fathom how much joy this post has brought me. I am giddy with your new-found enlightenment.

  2. dude, don't sweat it...all the cool kids have a crush on Tina Fey! She is seriously a genius - no doubt about it! I reallllly wanna read that book. Maybe it will end up in the VRC some day. yeah right.
