Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Basset Hounds Running

I came across this link featuring excellently photographed basset hounds running on a blog recommended by a friend. The webpage has become the topic of conversation around our house for much of the past week. My family--basset obsessed--is on our third hound in my lifetime. There is no getting around it, this is the breed of my parents subscription.

If you do a little click, click, clicking of your own, you'll find several minutes of the purest laughter you have had in a long time. And if you find otherwise, you're dead inside; my sentiment anyway. The photo below, an imperfect image of dear Louis doing a little "running" of his own, is an half-hearted attempt to provide an indication of what your experience entail.
Laugh on.

1 comment:

  1. Compared to the pups in the pictures, Louis runs like a gent!

    And what is going on in #11?!! The poor thing looks like he has a python wrapped around his body!

    My favorite, #19 :-)
