Friday, July 15, 2011

Tidbits of Today

I literally could not tell you what happened this week, and I'm beat. Overnight, it seems, the pace of life increased from slow-motion to fast-forward. My sleep deprived self is struggling to keep up, yet alone record the events of life through my lenses.

These are a few of the occurrences of July 15, 2011 I wanted to jot down before they became part of the abyss, that is the early days of this week (and many others).

Scenario One: I received five letters in the mail today, all from Lesotho. That's enough to make any girl happy for at least the next month. I have lots of writing/responding to do...

Scenario Two: C.A.H. got his AP scores in the mail today. Knowing my days of judgement by standardized testing are not over; I'm relieved they are not at his beginning. He's many miles away, musical festival-ing. My mom received a text around nine, during said festival, requesting his score and announcing the results of friends. Pa's overwhelming sigh of relief filled the room when passing scores were revealed. Solid, the kid is a genius. I can say that, I'm his sister.

Scenario Three: My parents taught me sourdough bread, my absolute favorite carb, originated in San Francisco. They were appalled K.F.A. failed to share this snippet with me on my visit out there. I would say that is a mighty fine reason to revisit her. You learn something new everyday.

Scenario Four: I broke the ultimate 'book before movie' code tonight with a viewing of 127 Hours. Talk about a will to live(!!!). I still have plenty of reasons and an equal desire to read the actual book, hopefully they'll carry me through to the end.

Scenario Five: Late this evening C.K.S. "friended" me on Facebook. The highly motivated, equally talented young lady was only five years old when I started babysitting her; she's starting high school in the fall. I'm aging.

Scenario Six: 10K (K representing thousand, not a strike-out) wins for the Atlanta Braves tonight. They're only the third team to accomplish that feat, go them! I'm anxiously awaiting your visit to the Nation's Capital in early August.

This was a welcomed, wonderfully ordinary day.

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