Saturday, July 9, 2011

Sweet Neighbor, Part 2

Back, what seems like a long time ago--when life was cheery and blissful--I wrote a thank you post to my dear neighbor. Dealing with her own trials and tribulations, far beyond my comprehension, this same neighbor is just as sweet as ever. Her heart is huge! After hearing bits and pieces of my eating habits post-vacation... she brought me up her gazpacho and a couple of additional sample pasta salads.

I can't begin to describe how delicious her gazpacho is. It would literally blow your mind(!!!). My absolute favorite, only when she makes it, of course.

We spent the entire day at the pool together; removed from the sun, when delivering her goods she noted my toasty skin. An hour later she returned with fresh aloe. Maybe this isn't amazing to you, but I had no idea regular people can and do grow their own plants.
I want to be on the N.J.M. level of awesome.

And I promise to pay her gratuity forward!

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