Thursday, May 19, 2011

Parting Ways

Last night over family dinner A.L.R.L. put on an Academy Award winning performance for Best Actress with her weeping skills. She found out the neighbor cut off the top of "her favorite" tree. I must confess the neighbor and I have very different definitions of pruning. You make your decision (using the image on the right). Onwards as this house I inhabit is not sitting on my property.

But I know you are itching with curiosity as to why such a tragedy occurred in this lovely subdivision yesterday... the tree top was snipped off because it was blocking the neighbors satellite reception. Oh humanity! We now choose television over the very thing that gives us life.

Her father claims no loss--referring to the tree as a "glorified weed," and her mother has traced the bawling to A.L.R.L.'s inability to cope with change, in any form. I find things are best when I see and believe only what I want.

The tears were symbolic of her broken heart, distress no one consulted her for a final opinion, frustration with society, and annoyance by her parents ability to over simplify a complicated environmental concern. The confidence and knowledge she continues to gain as she figures out how the world works will only allow her to make a positive impact.

She is taking action--she drew me these pictures to prove her dedication to preserving the planet.
"To recycle I can only use what I need. You should have a recycle bin. Put cans and plaestick and boxs in the recycle bin."
"I can recycle a bottle I can make a necklise."

On Wednesday we parted ways with yet another mighty carbon dioxide consumer. My recommendation: consider cutting back on your carbon dioxide production. On Sunday I will bid young A.L.R.L. a temporary farewell. Age has never interfered with our ability to connect, this fellow tree-hugger will be a friend for life.

In my final days down South I have learned subdivision life is not for me. If the tree incident has you in a fit of rage, you would die to hear all about the endless email discussion circulating regarding the neighborhood geese. If your nearby local, state, or national park needs a ranger I'm employable.

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