Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Time Away

C.A.H. enters my room, commenting, “You know you have not blogged in awhile.”
Me: “I know and it’s killing me!”

I encounter funks where I am sooooo over blogging, and it takes everything in my willpower to get some words down. This has not been the case during this eon away.  I have not processed exactly what the brief writing reprieve has taught me, above all, it’s been recharging. There are positive things happening in my life and all around me, but in this season, there is still a lot of junk—the negativity—weighing me down. And since I am not a strong writer, I am not sure, or always up to, challenging myself to find the purpose in each lesson. 

These past 11 days have been filled with celebration, illness, travel, and friendship. I have much to report on, but it will have to wait a few more days because I am dedicated to embracing my surrounding company for this late November holiday. (I did update the last post with the results of the cross country season.)

I arrived in Atlanta, Georgia today—the clouds were rolling in, but the temperature was steady at 75 degrees. We reached our final destination around 5 pm, and I haven’t moved much. Why would I? I am on the screened in porch. The rain, which was only a possibility a few hours ago, is falling steadily outside. And despite the Southern temperatures, there’s a fire radiating from the outdoor fireplace. The Michigan/Duke game is playing on the (outdoor) television. The holiday we’re gathered for is two days out, and I’m already in a food coma. Though a child from each family is still in route, waiting with ‘my people’ over flowing dialogue is pleasantly passing the time.
Back to embracing... or the final two minutes of The Game.

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