Saturday, January 23, 2010

Free Internet? Where?

I know I sent out an email saying I was not going to have internet until Easter. Peace Corp warned me of this, so I wanted to warn all of you! Well, I really lucked out! My closest volunteer (about a 35 minute walk), R.E. works for World Food Program (WFP) who just so happens to have an office in the Ministry of Education (MOE) building. I am a teacher so I have "access" to this building. Onwards. No one in Lesotho works on Saturday so R.E. told me to go to the MOE and ask the security guard (who does not speak a lick on English) for the WFP key. I asked, she handed over the key. Next step, the computer is going to ask you for a password. All you have to do is press "enter." It worked. I am still amazed, aren't security guards and passwords supposed to prevent people like me from doing things like this? Of course, I do not want access to any of their files and I would never mess up anything on purpose. I simply want an hour of internet a week to get the here and now on all of your lives.

So here I sit enjoying free internet at a decent pace until my heart is content. Why is free internet so important? It cost 15 rand (or maluti) to use the internet cafe in Thaba Tseka for 15 minutes. On that same computer is takes four minutes to bring up the gmail page and another two to actually sign in, leaving nine minutes left and a very stressed out volunteer. Sometimes it is nice living in a fish bowl.

I just uploaded six posts. I posted them on the days they were written. It might make sense to read them starting with Sunday, January 17th. The choice is yours, my friend.

1 comment:

  1. Sezzie - I just gave you a blog award. Check it out at
