Saturday, August 3, 2013

No Great Stories

It is Saturday morning around 10:00 am. I have been up for hours sorting through the mundane. My nagging 'to-do' list has finally received my attention. The washer and drier are going. Boyfriend is quietly job hunting on the couch. Left over pizza is still sitting on the counter--remnant of breakfast.

And again, I have a list of things I need to tackle, but I am not rushed in this moment. As much as I am a fan of adventure and making every day count, the peacefulness of this morning is a poignant reminder of the beauty of rest. (It helps that rain is falling outside, making the candle-filled indoors more appealing.)

Upon checking the mail, a task that has not been done since Wednesday, I found a letter from my Great Aunt B. It is just such a sweet letter, I thought I would transcribe it here. This letter is an alarming depiction of where I want my heart to be--finding peace in the mundane; days and nights marked by low key, good living; laughter, love, and peace being the only scorecards I care about.
Dear Samantha,

I was so happy when I received your post card. Just knowing that you are having such a great time traveling around makes me happy. 

[Great] Uncle J and I visited that part of the country you wrote about on your postcard. We thought it was very beautiful. 

It seems as though summer is just flying by. I don't want it to end!

[Great] Aunt D and I try to visit your grandparents once a week. They seem much happier in their new place. It is very lovely with plenty of room. [Grandma H] doesn't like the food but [Grandpa H] thinks the food is good. 

[Great] Aunt D and I see each other quite a lot. We cook dinner for each other once or twice a week. Sometime[s] we go out to eat. We went to a [Detroit] Tiger ballgame with a senior group. For $51 we were transported to ballpark in an air-conditioned bus, had good seats, and a hotdog and a drink were included in the price. Of course we were transported home also. 

We also go to see movies at the senior center. For $1 you see the movie and get a box of popcorn and a drink. What a deal.

[Cousin] A and J will soon be heading back to school soon... While [Uncle] D, [Aunt] J, and [Cousin] J are spending the weekend in Missouri, [Cousin] A will come here for some meals. I'm looking forward to that.   

I'm enclosing some photos of me that were taken while I was modeling some clothes for a store where I do some shopping. Don't look too closely or you will see my wrinkles.

[Great] Aunt B

Each letter opened. Each stamped card. These gifts of handwritten word allow a window of time for me to hop out of ring and indulge in dreams on paper, wishes fulfilled, and desires satisfied. Letters simply replenish my soul. 

There are no headlines being made, no great stories of August 3rd. Yet as I look up from my keyboard, I see morning light cascading into a heart that is happy. And I rejoice as I can honestly say that it is enough.

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