Thursday, August 9, 2012

Say Something #9

I am opinionated. Some might even say very opinionated. That goes mostly well with people who know me. But you can imagine how well that goes as the entry level girl in the male-dominated contracting world. You guessed it: well. Some might even say very well. 

Since starting my job, I have encountered several grammatical debates with my boss. Quit laughing readers. This working Thursday began quite roughly to be not-so-dramatic. At 7:17 am I sat frantically reviewing a document, that frankly should have been completed days ago, with the utmost urgency. As I am turning the pages, I note my friend, the comma, has re-inserted itself after the e.g. in each parenthetical lists. 

And the following conversation ensuses...

Grammar Girl: The comma is back [following e.g.]. Why?
Boss Man: Despite the descrepencies on the internet, I think that is the right way.
Grammar Girl: So, you mean I was right all along?
Boss Man: I am not as set in my ways as you think.   

So powerful. So influential. At such a young age. 

1 comment:

  1. Have thoroughly enjoyed #1-9! Anxiously waiting for #10, #11 & #12! No pressure :-) Just love that you are blogging again!

