Sunday, February 26, 2012

Taking Steps

This year, 2012, is about taking steps, right or wrong, in some direction. I have been fortunate enough to be living under my parents roof for nearly 24 years and it is (past) time to branch out on my own. To achieve this major goal, landing a job will be upmost important. I am optimistic my time is coming. In the meantime, my immediate goal is to pass the time with purpose, as cliche as that sounds. I am confident in my ability to transition onto the "Adult Frontier," although equally confident there will be the inevitable slew of mistakes. One can hope these mistakes will be minimal.

Opening the year in The Crescent City was no mistake. I had a wonderful time ringing in 2012 with volunteer friends... taking a step in the direction of reintegrating--this time, with friends--now that most of us linger stateside. I want to recount the experience here, knowing full well I will not do the week-long trip justice.

I have been home from Central America for a week now, and I am not overly enthusiastic about writing. There are an overwhelming amount of joys to share; I cannot even begin to wrap my own head around the backpacking excursion. Part of it, I realize, is that truthfully I am horrible at adapting to change. It takes me a entirely too long time to reacquaint with friends, readjust to my surroundings, and reestablish my routine after breaking. My imagination (and a little bit of my heart) has this vision of myself as someone seizing the life of unemployment with zest. Someone 'taking steps' towards a career in the field--providing clean water to all of Africa's children--with the idealism of an inexperienced and spry young adult. Then there is the me I actually am: Someone amongst many with a college degree and limited talents seeking an income. Someone with a ton of passion battling to find my way onto the "Adult Frontier."

Leaving America for an extended period of time with the sole purpose of evading The Real World was also no mistake. The getaway has done wonders for my motivation. These sorts of concepts floated through my mind while away: Concept A) Traveling cost money. Money comes from employment. You need a job.; Concept B) I function much better on my own. To be 'on your own' you need an apartment. This cost money. You need a job.; Concept C) I thrive internationally, yet I like to have purpose when abroad--beyond "hike Maderas Volcano today." To work internationally, you need experience or a graduate degree. To get experience, you need to work. To get a graduate degree, you need to go to school. It is not that I have not been thinking along these lines for quite sometime, it is that I am thinking them a lot more now. This would be a step up in motivation. I digress.

At the encouragement of friends, I will give this recapping business a go. I was unaware of my popularity, and since I have always strived to be an audience-pleaser... I guess that means keeping up. I can handle it.

Now hopefully you understand why I have not blogged. No, not because I do not have time, but if I stop for awhile, there is so much more to write in order to catch up. I know that I do not have to, but I am genuinely excited about prospects of this year. OK, so maybe it also has to do with the fact I sometimes obsess over random and unimportant details. Maybe. 

1 comment:

  1. YEAH! You are back to the world of blogging! Your colorful words and photos have been greatly missed! I am looking forward to catching up on the past few months! Write on my friend, write on!

    xoxo Meredith
