The state of Arizona and I get along quite well. I have a travel policy I strictly abide by: no visiting the same place twice. Rules have to be broken when family members dwell in certain places too long; my Grams is a long-term resident of Arizona. When your Grams is a trooper like mine, breaking travel policy is fun.
At 74 she summits mountains, she embraces my eating quirks--only taking me out to eat if the restaurant serves local food, she loves her cards as much as I do, she shares my enjoyment for ice cream, she keeps her visitors busy, she flatters me by joining me for documentary viewings about going vegan (Forks over Knives--Go see it RIGHT now!), she soaks up each minute of the day--starting the morning with some form of exercise, she is well traveled and exceptionally informed, she appreciates the sun but respects it power, she is a people person.

She is wise but not preachy--speaking with heart from her own experience.
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