Another CBT incident, sheep slaughtering 101. Peace Corp lies, it is incredibly easy to remain a vegetarian in this country, and in fact most people convert while they are here because on our stipend we are not able to afford meat. On top of being expensive, they will sell animals that died on their own (=super unsafe). My CBT family did not support my vegetarian habit. Meat is a luxury in this country and since I am white I can OBVIOUSLY afford it so why, why, why would I not want to eat it, plus it tastes fabulous. Makes perfect sense, right? It was not that they were at all rude about it, they just found it extremely funny/strange. The street goes both ways, I found their confusion comical as well. In order to get me to eat meat again they slaughtered a sheep in my honor. I beg to differ, that meat was definitely for the Christmas holiday, but again I pretended to believe it was for me. Little did they know that slaughtering a sheep DEFINITELY made me NEVER want to eat meat again. The sound the sheep made as the head was ripped off, the noise of the skin being torn from the body, the number of flies that surround the now dead sheep as intestines were being cut from the body, and the blood, the blood, the blood (there is SOOO much blood). I am so glad I got to witness/help with the sheep slaughtering, but again, my meat eating days are officially gone FOREVER. I am a vegetarian for environmental reasons, but I am sure the sheep was slaughtered in the most humane way… so I can only imagine the process in America. (Pictures to come, probably not for two years, thanks slow terrible internet!)
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