High school me rambling (at this time R.D.S. and I were not friends, although I most definitely would have given her my most honest, typically blunt, opinion had we been): "I dress for comfort, most days sporting a t-shirt and jeans. I never look stylish or fashionable. Unlike teacher's pet, R.D.S. I do know that a long jean skirt screams fashion faux pas. They are outdated, age-inappropriate (for all ages really, but especially a high schooler), and ill-fitting. This sort of outfit is something that should only be seen on TLC's hit reality show 18 Kids and Counting or What Not to Wear.
Part of me wanted to get to know her and her friend (who also wore one of these biblical skirts). I was so anxious to hear all about their homeschool experience. In my short life I have never heard of a circumstance where being called a homeschooler is a compliment, 99% of the time they fit the stereotype. Nonetheless, homeschoolers fascinate me, and homeschoolers gone public school are even more mesmerizing! Then I learned she wasn't homeschool, neither was her friend. Major sigh. Turns out they thought wearing these skirts and buying the teacher Frosties was normal? Oh they have so much to learn I thought... but then again, so do I.
There are only three reasons one would support this style of clothing; they are clueless, they are homeschooled, and/or they like to dress insanely conservative/biblically. There is absolutely nothing wrong with any of these three things. I am just a person of reason, I needed an answer as to why she was wearing this ridiculous thick and long piece of cloth. I ruled out clueless--she had way more friends than I did and was in decently intelligent classes. She was also a pop culture buff (and I knew this sitting half way across the room from her) so she had some fashion sense, or at least read about it. Much to my dismay, I crossed homeschooler of the list. And from what I could tell she was not a super conservative dresser because on other days she wore a much more age appropriate short jean skirt with these beads on it."

I never got my answer. She brought that skirt to college and still loved it, despite its slightly worn form. In college, R.D.S. and I became friends through her roommate. I did not hide my feelings on the skirt for long. So as we all know, do not judge a book by its cover... or a person by their outfit. Right now, I am traveling halfway across the country to Denver (where that skirt would not be tolerated in any instance). Luckily for all, the skirt did not make the cut and has been kindly donated. Had I seriously judged her for what she wore I might have missed out on a pretty good friendship.
R.I.P. Duggar Skirt. We will laugh about you often.
I am also not a professional photographer, but rest assured, the picture at the top was not taken by me or even in my presence and serves only to make a point... not to demonstrate my work. :)
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