I am really blessed to have two 80+ year old grandparents and I love them dearly, but I wish they knew how much it freaks me out when they tell me they are going to be "gone" when I come back. They are so lucky to be alive and for the most part healthy. I live day-to-day (I wish they, especially g'ma, would do the same). In my ideal world everyday would be a day worth living and remembering... but I imagine the older you get the harder it is. You set goals like seeing your grandchildren graduate, watching them walk down the isle, or enjoying your great-grandchildren. So I sort of understand their train of thought but not really. It still amazes me they live on their own (although we would all be relieved if they would even as much as considered assisted living)! We all have a lot to be thankful for, and this is one blessing I count twice.
I will miss them, along with the rest of the MI gang, dearly. I promise to write as much as possible, even if the mail is slow go. The generosity they have shown me throughout my entire life has not gone unnoticed. The love they have given me is greatly appreciated! Their love for each other and the Lord is admirable! Be careful while I am gone, stay healthy, and remain confident in my decision! This is not good-bye!
"Goodbyes are not forever. Goodbyes are not the end. They simply mean I'll miss you until we meet again!" (Author Unknown)
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